Category: video

Social Bookmarking in Plain English

A Commoncraft show short film on Social Bookmarking.  It’s a three step plan!

Second Lives

For the purposes of Journalistic Neutrality I’m twinning this short film (best viewed with sound) with the Tim Guest short film on Second Life and virtual reality that I sign-posted in June.  Follow this link to see the original:   Enjoy!

Technology Entertainment Design, TED

I’ve recently recieved this link to the Technology Entertainment Design (TED) website. I’d not stumbled across TED before, at times the footage verges on uncomfortably slick – but the lecture back catalogue, and the video interface (one up on YouTube) invite serious browsing.  I’ve been gen-ing up on One Lap Top Per Child, via Nicholas Negroponte’s posting (August, 2006). It struck me as not so far from the ‘Young Lady’s Primer’ of Neal Stephenson’s post-cyberpunk novella ‘The Diamond Age’.  I’m not sure how I feel about the concept of ‘Google’ becoming many children’s ‘first word in English’ – but I’m please all those days spent cramming sci-fi in my time off from my English Literature degree finally came to something.  Here’s to the first Bachelors degree (not in Physics and Astro-Physics but), English and Astro-English!


Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us

Here’s perhaps the defining take on web 2.0 ‘The Machine is Us/ing Us’ (final version) by Mike Wesch, a digital ethnographer at Kansas State University. I’m adding this to the blog as part of a video archive for my own purposes.  If you haven’t seen this already take a look…

Second Nature

Radio 4 are currently serialising Second Lives by Tim Guest, as their book of the week you can listen online here:  Here’s a short (and interesting) film about the author and virtual social spaces.

“In My Language”

A great film about communication and autistic experience by Silentmiaow of
