W4A 2010 paper wins John Slatin Award

I’m delighted to say that my W4A 2010 paper, co-authored with Brian Kelly and David Sloan, has won the John Slatin award for Best Communication Paper.  The paper, Developing Countries; Developing Experiences: Approaches to Accessibility for the Real World is newly available online via the UKOLN repository.

Since the UKOLN repository is a resource, rather than a discussion space, Brian has also provided an overview of the paper on his blog encouraging feedback and comments.  Please feel free to contibute your comments.  As Brian notes, aspects of the paper have garnered a lot of interest and we will be taking this forward, specifically in the provision of ‘amplified events’. Alongside this I hope to introduce a more precise analysis of disability as a cultural artifact in the context of accessibility. Can we export ‘Developed World’ accessibility whilst understanding disability as a social phenomenon? Can impairments and disabilities that differ between cultures be addressed apolitically, in the same way?


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