busy busy

This has been a busy month with little time to put finger to letter-key.  At the moment I’m working hard to acknowledge referee’s comments (and marks out of 10!) on my short paper for the eSocial Science conference (deadline on Wednesday). I’m also trying to include several recent and important interviews.  Interviews are ongoing – phone and face to face, and my theoretical model is holding steady (almost suspiciously so – should I be worried?!). 

In other news I’ve been helping host Joakim Isaksson, from Umeå University, Sweden, during his visit to Nottingham University and the School of Education.  This is the first time I’ve seen him since this time last year, at the New Perspectives on Disability Research workshops at the University of Bergen.  I know this is nearly to the day, as the Champion’s league final has fallen in the same week! Joakim’s research focuses on Primary SEN education in Sweden, with some particularly interesting work on how Primary School teachers construct their notions of normalcy and deviance in the classroom.  For more info, contact Joakim using the links above.

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