
Below I’ve listed all my articles and academic papers by year. My ORCID ID is 0000-0003-4480-3705 and my Google Scholar citations page shows how some of my research has been used.


Lewthwaite, Sarah and Roy, Anupama (in press, 2015) ‘Critical Silences: Disability, Technology and the Global South’ IN K. Soldatic and S. Grech (Eds) Disability in the Global South: The Critical Handbook. Springer.

Calvo Martin, R., Iglesias, A., Moreno Lopóez, L. and Lewthwaite, S. (under review, 2015) ‘Improving learning online communication content for people with disabilities using instant text messaging tools’, ASSETS.


Lewthwaite, Sarah (2015) Book review: Creative Methods in the Social Sciences: A Practical Guide. LSE Review of Books.

Lewthwaite, Sarah and Nind, Mel (2015) Teaching Advanced Research Methods – NCRM Quick Start Guide. Manual. NCRM.


Lewthwaite, Sarah (2014) ‘Web accessibility standards and disability: developing critical perspectives on accessibility‘  Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation: Special Issue, edited by Rob Imrie. Vol. 36:16. pp. 1375–1383.

Lewthwaite, Sarah (2014) ‘Current issues: Government cuts to Disabled Students’ Allowances must be resisted‘ Disability and Society. 4th July 2014.

Lewthwaite, Sarah (2014) ‘Funding cuts to disabled students will hit some universities hard.’ The Guardian. 1 July 2014.

Lewthwaite, Sarah (2014) ‘Cuts to grant funding for disabled students will put their studies at risk.’ The Guardian. 24 Apr 2014.

Lewthwaite, Sarah (2014) Review: Disability and New Media. Disability and Society. 29 (1) [Free ePrint].


Front cover of Rhetorical AccessAbility edited by Lisa Meloncon
Front cover of Rhetorical AccessAbility

Lewthwaite, Sarah and Swan, Henny (2013) ‘Disability, Web Standards and the Majority World’ IN L. Meloncon (Ed.) Rhetorical AccessAbility: At the intersection of technical communications and disability studies.  Baywood Publishing: Amityville, New York.

Kelly, B., Hassell, J., Sloan, D., Lukeš, D., Draffan, E. A. and Lewthwaite, S. (July 2013) ‘Bring Your Own Policy: Why Accessibility Standards Need to be Contextually Aware‘  Ariadne Issue 71.



Lewthwaite, S. (2012) Review: Ine Gevers, “Difference on Display: Diversity in Art, Science and Society”Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability StudiesVol 6. Issue 3. pp. 348 – 351. Dutch title: Niet Normaal: Diversiteit in Kunst, Wtenschap en Samenleving.

Kelly, B., Cooper, M., Sloan, D. & Lewthwaite, S. (2012). A Challenge to Web Accessibility Metrics and Guidelines: Putting People and Processes First. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A). New York: Association for Computing Machinery.

Edlin-White, R., Cobb, S., Floyd, A., Lewthwaite, S., Wang, J. and Riedel, J., (2012). ‘From Guinea Pigs to Design Partners: Working with Older People in ICT Design‘. IN P. Langdon, J. Clarkson, P. Robinson, J. Lazar and A. Heylighen (Eds.) Designing Inclusive Systems. Springer London: 155-164.


Lewthwaite, Sarah (2011) Disability 2.0: Student dis/Connections. A study of student experiences of disability and social networks on campus in higher education. PhD thesis, School of Education, University of Nottingham. http://etheses.nottingham.ac.uk/2406/

Lewthwaite, Sarah (2011) ‘Viewpoint: Critical Approaches to Accessibility for Technology Enhanced Learning’. Learning, Media and Technology. Vol 36, Issue 1, pp 85-89.

Edlin-White, R., Cobb, S., D’Cruz, M., Lewthwaite, S., and Riedel, J., (2011) ‘Accessibility for older users through adaptive interfaces: opportunities, challenges and achievements’. In: Proceedings of the 2011 HCI International Conference (3), 2011, pp.483-489.

International Handbook of Psychology in Education Cover
Front cover of International Handbook of Psychology in Education

Crook, C. & Lewthwaite, S. (2010) The Networked Student, a socio-cultural perspective. IN K. Littleton, C., Wood, & J., Kleine Staarman (Eds.) International Handbook of Psychology in Education. Emerald: UK. http://amzn.to/ccWZBz. Also now available from the publishers in paperback.

Kelly, Brian, Lewthwaite, Sarah, & Sloan, David, (2010) Developing Countries; Developing Experiences: Approaches to Accessibility for the Real World. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility(W4A). New York: Association for Computing Machinery.

Lewthwaite, S. (Spring 2010) Personal Technologies for Learning. Becta: Coventry. This Becta publication for schools comprised a downloadable booklet (PDF) and accompanying A3 poster.

Advisory role and contributions to:

  • Diamond, A., Lamb, H., Neat, S. & Kyriakopoulos G. (2010) Learner’s with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Data Analysis Report commissioned by the Skills Funding Agency
  • CFE (2010) National Apprenticeship Vacancies System Evaluation (contributing sections on ‘e-Recruitment and Disabled Learners, Best Practice’ p55-59) commissioned by the National Apprenticeship Service and the Learning and Skills Council.

Bligh, B., Pearshouse, I., Lewthwaite, S. (2009) On the Evaluation of Learning Within Technology-Supported Physical Learning Spaces. EDUlearn, International Conference on 6th-8th July, 2009. Barcelona, Spain.

Pearshouse, I., Bligh, B., Brown, B., Lewthwaite, S., Graber, R., Hartnell-Young, E., (2009) A Study of Effective Evaluation Models and Practices for Technology Supported Physical Learning SpacesJELS projectJoint Information Systems Committee (JISC) commissioned report.

Lewthwaite, S. (November, 2009) Messages from the Evidence: Mobile technologies for teaching and learning. British Education and Communications Technology Agency (Becta): Coventry.  From the ‘Five Challenges: Messages from the evidence’ series.


Lewthwaite, S. (2008) Disability, the Academy and Identity 2.0: Mapping the social experiences of disabled students online. Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science. 18th-20th June, 2008. Manchester, UK.


Liccardi, I., Ounnas, A., Pau, R., Massey, E., Kinnunen, P., Lewthwaite, S., Midy, M-A., Sarkar, C. (2007) The role of social networks in students’ learning experiences. From the Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE) 12th Annual Conference Postgraduate Student working Group. December Issue of the SIGSCE Bulletin, Vol 39, Issue 4.

Lewthwaite, S. (12 Sept 2007) Interview with Dr Peter Norvig, Director of Research at GoogleCustom PC. This article was also covered by Slashdot

Moore, S., Signorini, P., and Goode, J. (2007) Visual Research Methods in Education. Report compiled for the Visual Learning Lab, University of Nottingham.

Moore, J., Godden, J., Moore, S., and Godden, C., (2007) Care Ambassador Schemes Resource Pack. Commissioned by Skills for Care England..


Murphy, R., Moore, S and Coates, J. (2006) Cascade Evaluation. Commissioned by the Cascade Project, a collaborative partnership between Nottingham Royal Society for the Blind (NRSB), Nottinghamshire Deaf Society (NDS) and Nottingham Council for Voluntary Services (NCVS) delivering ICT training by and for disabled people.



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